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A search for 'Battleship Potemkin' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Battleship Potemkin, The (1925)
    Original Title: Bronenosets Potyomkin
    Edmund Meisel, Dmitri Shostakovich, Yati E. Durant

40 matches in tracks
  1. Akt 5: Begegnung mit dem Geschwader (15:11)
    from Yati E. Durant
    Tracks 03-05 composed (2005) forTHE BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (USSR 1925, Sergej M. Eisenstein)
  2. Akt 5: Begegnung mit dem Geschwader (15:11)
    from Von Morgens Bis Mitternacht
    Tracks 03-05 composed (2005) forTHE BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (USSR 1925, Sergej M. Eisenstein)
  3. Akt 5: Begegnung mit dem Geschwader (15:11)
    from Bronenosets Potyomkin
    Tracks 03-05 composed (2005) forTHE BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (USSR 1925, Sergej M. Eisenstein)
  4. The Road To Potemkin (02:18)
    from Pale Door, The
  5. Medley: Bestuschev Umgarnt / Potemkin Taucht Auf (03:38)
    from Katharina Die Große
  6. Medley: Potemkin Kämpft Gegen die Türken / Im Feldlazarett / Brief von Katharina / Die Kosaken (04:49)
    from Katharina Die Große
  7. Fantozzi (Sequenza corazzata Potemkin) (03:50)
    from Fantozzi
    piano solo based on ''Quadri di una esposizione'' by Mussorgski
  8. Fantozzi (Sequenza corazzata Potemkin) (03:50)
    from Secondo Tragico Fantozzi, Il
    piano solo based on ''Quadri di una esposizione'' by Mussorgski
  9. Battleship (01:20)
    from Cure, The
  10. To The Battleship (04:34)
    from Bronenosets Potyomkin
  11. We Have A Battleship (02:49)
    from Battleship
  12. We Have A Battleship (02:49)
    from Battleship
  13. battleship (01:09)
    from Restless
  14. battleship 2 (01:50)
    from Restless
  15. Battleship (02:53)
    from Shout At The Devil
  16. Battleship (02:53)
    from Shout At The Devil
  17. Battleship (01:20)
    from Cure, The
  18. Battleship (02:53)
    from Shout At The Devil
  19. Memories of the Battleship "Toné" (05:44)
    from Paper Lanterns
  20. Battleship Bravery (01:42)
    from Kingdom Hearts II
Show all 40 matching tracks